PF Picks up FOUR nominations at this year’s National Magazine Awards

May 2, 2024

We are over the moon to announce we have a record FOUR PF writers as finalists in this year’s National Magazine Awards!

Congratulations to, Jennifer Robinson, Avalon Moore, Zilla Jones & Cooper Skjeie on their nominations! We raise a digital glass of champagne to you all!

Zilla & Avalon’s work can be found in our Haunted Issue. Click here to snag a copy.

Cooper’s poem can be found in our summer contest issue. Click here to snag a copy.

Jennifer’s piece can be found in The Peace We Make. Click here to snag a copy.

You can read all four pieces on the National Magazine Awards website here

Personal Jounalism
The Passing Game
Prairie Fire
Writer: Jennifer Robinson
Picture of the first page of the story
Personal Journalism
Someone in a Reddish-Pink T-Shirt Walks Past the Window
Prairie Fire
Writer: Avalon Moore
Picture of the first page of the story
Fiction Finalist
Lightning Kills
Prairie Fire
Writer: Zilla Jones
Picture of first page of story
Poetry Finalist
Prairie Fire
Writer: Cooper Skejie
Picture of first page of poem
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