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Call for Submissions: 50 Over 50
Prairie Fire is giving centre stage to women writers over fifty! This special issue is a celebration that honours and recognizes the enormous contribution of living Canadian women writers, who have helped shape CanLit and continue to do so. If you are a woman, aged...
Biblioasis’s 2023 A Ghost Story for Christmas Collection
It’s that time of year again! As the year winds down, the temperature drops and snow covers the ground, the Christmas season lurks. The holiday tunes start a little earlier each year, stores start getting in their Christmas merch in September, and as we get closer to...
We Have Never Lived on Earth by Kasia Van Schaik
Have you ever wandered down streets at night, looking in the lit windows of other people’s homes, wondering about their lives? Charlotte, the central character of We Have Never Lived on Earth, spends much of her time wondering, like the cellist in “Houseboat,” if she...
Call for Submissions: Burning Up/ Burning Down
This spring, we're talking about fire. This past summer, especially in Canada, we saw A LOT of fire. So much so that this year’s fire season saw the largest area burned in Canada’s history. Globally, the planet continues to heat up, and we saw a record number of heat...
Bleeding Light by Rob Benvie
Content warning: gun violence in a school (there are dark themes and drug use throughout, but the most shocking, triggering event is a school shooting that is mostly averted but could be very triggering) Rob Benvie is the author of two previous novels, Maintenance and...
Moments of Happiness by Neils Hav, Translated by Per Brask and Patrick Friesen
The cover art for Neils Hav’s Moments of Happiness features a wall with wallpaper and paint partially peeled away, revealing layer after layer of understory. In keeping with this image, Hav opens the collection with the line: “The battered inside of the cupboard under...