by Lindsey | Nov 1, 2021 | All Reviews, Book Reviews, Fiction
Just as reading aloud spooky ghost stories was a fun Christmas tradition in the Victorian era, Biblioasis and famous Canadian cartoonist Seth now have a firmly established tradition of re-publishing some of these stories, illustrating them and serving them up to...
by Lindsey | Oct 19, 2021 | All Reviews, Book Reviews, Poetry
It sometimes feels like the expressiveness of the typewriter as a tool for composition is one of the best kept secrets in poetry and poetics. The ability to mark the page or to type over the marks already there, to feed the page through at different angles in order to...
by Lindsey | Sep 21, 2021 | All Reviews, Book Reviews, Poetry
Best Canadian Poetry 2020 is a radical and wholly revelatory re-imagining of the country’s poetry canon. As Amanda Jernigan, advisory editor of the well-regarded series states in her preface, guest editor Marilyn Dumont’s carefully curated collection “is not English,...
by Lindsey | Sep 8, 2021 | All Reviews, Book Reviews, Fiction
We take many journeys when we read; the most interesting ones are those that writers lead us to by creating worlds that bring us to destinations which can be illuminating and sometimes surprising. Sophie Stocking, a writer from Alberta and the author of the novel,...
by Lindsey | Aug 26, 2021 | All Reviews, Book Reviews, Non-Fiction
After several novels, adult and young adult, and a children’s book for which he won the Governor General’s Literary Award in 2017, David Robertson has written a memoir. This current work recently received accolades, the Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award and the...
by Lindsey | Aug 11, 2021 | All Reviews, Book Reviews, Poetry
A place is never simple, it is always shot through with the histories, symbols, and identities that collide and contest it, by the accrual of meanings over time and the conversations between those meanings. Given the role place often plays in how we understand and...