by Lindsey | Nov 15, 2022 | All Reviews, Book Reviews, Fiction
Another year, another collection of ghost stories to add a little eerie fun to the holidays. Biblioasis and illustrator Seth’s offerings this year are a little on the tamer side than in year’s past, but still provide a nice, creepy reprieve from all the holly and...
by Lindsey | Oct 13, 2022 | All Reviews, Book Reviews, Poetry
There is a telling line in Stephen Collis’s 2021 collection, A History of the Theories of Rain—in fact, there are many. But for me, the line that captures the book’s central concern, the daunting, infuriatingly impersonal disaster of climate change bearing down upon...
by Lindsey | Sep 27, 2022 | All Reviews, Book Reviews, Fiction
The Music Game would have shattered me when I was twenty-five. At thirty-two, this book still stings me like salt in a wound that hasn’t truly closed. Originally published in French in 2017 and winner of several prizes including the prestigious Ringuet Prize, Stéfanie...
by Lindsey | Aug 23, 2022 | All Reviews, Book Reviews, Fiction
In Stoop City, novelist and short story writer, Kristyn Dunnion, has accomplished every writer’s goal, delivering thirteen fully realized stories that feel for all the world like real life. Set mainly in Toronto, they feature a remarkable range of styles, voices and...
by Lindsey | Jul 21, 2022 | All Reviews, Book Reviews, Fiction
Note: author now goes by Sydney Hegele “Who’s ready to earn their beaver badge?” (20) The brutal enchantment of old-world folktales meets the mundane horrors of small-town Ontario in Sydney Hegele’s debut story collection The Pump. With a fast-paced plot and haunting...
by Lindsey | Jun 7, 2022 | All Reviews, Book Reviews, Fiction
Each year, Windsor, Ontario-based publisher Biblioasis releases a series of anthologies collecting the best new poetry, non-fiction and fiction produced by Canadian writers. Since 1971, these collections have offered readers an overview of the Canadian literary...