Maunder by Claire Kelly

Maunder by Claire Kelly

These are northern poems—scraps from the end of winter, out of a landscape of hard snow and mud, where “sewers plume,” tulips—and other hopeful, bright things—are “nipped by frost,” and sidewalks are still “gravelly” with road sand in spring. In Claire Kelly’s debut...
I have to live by Aisha Sasha John

I have to live by Aisha Sasha John

This summer I ate a lot of grapefruit. One day on a whim I bought a whole bag and for the next week and a half I consumed one grapefruit daily, marvelling over the sound of the pieces peeling apart, the luminescent pink flesh, the piquant feel of it on my tongue, its...
Dead White Men by Shane Rhodes

Dead White Men by Shane Rhodes

  Canada is so haunted by the spectres of dead white men that they almost seem inescapable, a presence so persistent as to be definitive.This is, of course, the point. The fact that there seem to be innumerable buildings bearing the names of Sir John A. MacDonald...