Naming the Shadows by Sharon Berg

Naming the Shadows by Sharon Berg

Naming the Shadows, Sharon Berg’s collection of stories, is a fascinating exploration of diverse subjects, from uncovering family secrets and probing social taboos, to examining career choices and overcoming personal trauma. The stories are character driven, and...
Mrs Romanov by Lori Cayer

Mrs Romanov by Lori Cayer

In  Lori Cayer’s fourth book of poetry, Mrs Romanov, she beautifully crafts an intimate and passionate interior life for Alexandra Feodorovna, the last tsarina of Imperial Russia. Perhaps because we are so familiar with her story–Feodorovna, her...
The Emperor’s Orphans by Sally Ito

The Emperor’s Orphans by Sally Ito

People and landscapes inhabit our memory but when we want to recall them it can be difficult; we must either pull at them or ask someone, or rely on written records. And it is so with family. What do we remember of our grandmothers and grandfathers or of our...